Friday, October 26, 2007

Hey Big Spender

The BBC posed an excellent question concerning the 2008 presidential race, "The eye-popping sums raised by the 2008 US presidential contenders surely raise the question: what are they spending it on?" Did you know that contenders have already spent $80.6 million dollars? And this is pre-2008, when the campaigning normally begins! Don't worry about them running out of cash though, contenders still have plenty to spend (unless you are John McCain, who ran out of cash this summer):

Hillary Clinton (D) - $35m
Barack Obama (D) - $32m
John Edwards (D) - $12.4m
Rudolph Giuliani (R) - $11.6m
Mitt Romney (R) - $9.2m
Fred Thompson (R) - $7.1m

It causes one to wonder, if they spend like this now, how will they be when they get into office? Does this seem a little over the top to anyone else? Where are they getting all of this money and what conditions are tied to it?


kc bob said...

Label this one:

The Buying of America

Reilly said...

True, so very sadly true. I am guessing with this amount of spending, the good people in those primary states are either loving it (financially), or going nuts with the overly zealous bombardment of "Pick me!"