Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Appologies to Hillary

As embarrassing as it is, I must retract my last post. Here is the newly discovered video showing that Hillary was telling the truth. Enjoy...


MistaB said...

Next to the JibJab videos of 2004, that was the funniest political video I've ever seen!

Anyways, this is Eric with the post about socialism. I'm personally against it, but I was not very knowledgable about it either until I decided to research it for English this semester. How did you find my blog (I'm a noob in the blogosphere)? Thanks for commenting, by the way!

I saw an article about Hillary making up another story about a woman being denied health care today on CNN.

Reilly said...

Hey Mistab, Ya Hillary is almost too easy to make fun of. I do enjoy the videos though.

I found your blog through a post you made, I can't remember where at the moment, some times I travel from blog to blog via comments and so tracking back gets a bit confusing.

MistaB said...

I checked out that website you referenced. I can appreciate the web authors' dedication to intellectual honesty and comprehensive research, but I don't think I agree with some of their positions. They say that America is progressive, but that's not really true. It seems evident that progressives are generally closer to democrats. They also referenced the Heritage Foundation as a biased establishment, but even if they don't actively spread untruth (and I don't believe they do), what is bias but simply a positional view on something based on a fundumental belief? Honest people have fundumental beliefs for a reason, so I'm not very privy to take the word "bias" as a negative conotation in any context.

To mention Warren Buffett, that was definately a gutsy challenge! I would have to learn more about investments to know where I stand on taxing them. I think of investments as a risk a person takes by giving money to another organization in the hopes of profit. I'm not sure I see the problem with a person claiming those profits. I'm sure investors regard the tax issue as the government trying to reach into a pocket they have no right to reach into because investments are done in the free market context. Plus, we have to count in the fact that even high profits often get used for high costs of maintaining a business, and it isn't unlawful or particularily immoral to gain wealth from those profits unless it's at the expense of staff. This is what I understand, so if you know something I don't, please correct me.

However, as a Christian, I'm not unmindful about God's adversity towards usury, which of course is what profits an investor. As an unspoken rule, serious Christians don't exact interest from other Christians in private transactions.

On the subject of Christianity, it is my experience that I just can't talk about any subject at length without talking about God and the Bible. This is part of my debate on socialism and is included as a new post. I also started another blog regarding how God interacts with nations and government as seen in the Bible. Eventually I want to write about Biblical applicability about anything, perhaps this summer.

I regard your pursuit of knowledge and would appreciate it if you helped to ammend, correct, and challenge my posts through your comments if you are willing and able.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Servidor, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Reilly said...

Mistab, Sorry for the late reply. I have been off and away, but I am back now. I'll try to keep more on top of things here :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!