Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary When Will You Learn?

It is amazing to me that Hillary's advisors don't mention to her that we live in a technological age. One where if something is in picture, writing, or on video it will be brought up when you make claims, especially exaggerated ones... or straight out lies. In her most recent lie, Democratic hopeful Hillary has been challenged over claims that she came under sniper fire during a trip she made to Bosnia in the 1990s. Video shown on US TV network CBS shows the then First Lady walking calmly from her plane. At a recent campaign event, she described having landed under fire. Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said Mrs Clinton "misspoke" on one occasion about the incident. Yet... In her book, she described how the airstrip greeting had been cut short because of sniper fire on a nearby hillside - and that was the account she had given many times.

I was going to post more examples of Hillary's lies here in this post, but the list would be a little long. If you are bored and need a laugh, google Hillary's lies. I got 1.8 million hits. There are some funny ones there.

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