Saturday, November 3, 2007

Say one thing ... say another

This was just to priceless not to post. When will the double-speak (aka lying) end?


Free Iran said...

This was good!

Reilly said...

I thought it was pretty funny.

It is about time that people start calling her on the carpet for all her deception.

Hillary is trying so hard to be a Democrat and a Republican at the same time. Her senate voting record shows that she would be a neocon just like GB Jr.

kc bob said...

Pretty funny.. just wish that so many weren't like her :(

I posted it at my place. :)

Reilly said...

Kansas Bob, I am with you. It is troubling. If you saw the full debates, John Edwards brought up a really good point. He said that politicians should have honesty in the way that they don't change the story and position depending on who they are talking to or when in the pre-election phase it is.