Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Give Her Her Due?

So many blogs are saying that even if we don't like Hillary, we have to give her her due. I'm sure many will, but I'd rather not. The only due deserving is to the spinmasters behind the scenes who have rapidly turned Hillary into the candidate of "change." Hmmm perhaps it would be good to examine her voting record in the senate and take a close look at who is funding her campaign. Not too much change, I would venture to say. I read on the BBC the other day that Hillary has pulled out all the old political pals of Bill and his original campaign in the effort to boost her in the primaries, looks like it might have worked for now...


Vicky Bigmore said...

I am confused are you English or American?

If you are American then why are you reading about your politics on a British site?

If you are English then where is all the information on Brown and Cameron?

Reilly said...

Welcome just plain jane. Your very observant :)

Actually I am neither, but to answer your question I get my information from the BBC on the US election coverage because they actually have more accurate polling and more detailed reporting. The challenge of US news is that they are beholden to certain candidates and therefore do not always have insightful or accurate coverage. For example, CNN, Fox, and NY Times placed Hillary as the front runner for the Iowa primaries, when Obama took it by a long shot. BBC was the only report I found that more accurately called this.

Then there is the Gulliani case. Most network news had pretty much handed him the Republican vote, yet we see that the reality is far from that. BBC gave far more credit to the other Republican candidates than the US news. All of this prior to the primaries of course.

Why don't I blog about Brown? Hmm... well he just seems so boring. Maybe this is just a stereotype but where is the pizazz of Blair? I prefer Sarkozy, now there is someone to talk about ;)